11:17 am - Sun, Jan 28, 2024

Domain adventures

The thinfilmmfg.com and tocarbonzero.com domains are changing DNS providers. If something seems broken, either call or message me here.

6:50 pm - Wed, Feb 14, 2018
17 notes
Now those are serious heat sinks. Google’s Tensor Processing Units, used in neural network applications.

Now those are serious heat sinks. Google’s Tensor Processing Units, used in neural network applications. 

2:33 pm - Mon, Feb 12, 2018
1 note

Many MIT students played with LEGO when they were kids. So being able to use them for actual research projects as adults is a dream come true. 

9:52 pm - Sun, Jan 28, 2018
Black to move. Should be easy, but my brain doesn’t want to parse it for some reason.
1… Qc3 2. Qd1 Qe3+
Source: Susan Polgar and Paul Truong, Chess Tactics for Champions, p.16.
Diagram by Apronus.

Black to move. Should be easy, but my brain doesn’t want to parse it for some reason.

1… Qc3 2. Qd1 Qe3+ 

Source: Susan Polgar and Paul Truong, Chess Tactics for Champions, p.16.
Diagram by Apronus.

11:07 pm - Fri, Nov 4, 2016

People sometimes ask me what materials scientists do. I focus on electronic materials, but my colleagues in metallurgy are (among other things) called in to help solve puzzles like this one. There’s a nice layperson-level discussion of forensic metallurgy down inside the article. 

12:28 pm

Technical, but very relevant to smart lighting and other LED applications. Even very low levels of iron in GaN can degrade efficiency.

10:23 am - Tue, Oct 4, 2016
1 note

”For theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter.”

Very difficult and mathematical work, but very fundamental to understanding things like the superconducting phase transition and magnetism in thin layers. 

9:15 am - Mon, Apr 25, 2016
2 notes

Thorough overview of past and present experiments with a guaranteed basic income.

9:49 am - Thu, Apr 21, 2016
4 notes
Achieving profitability is the most liberating action a startup can accomplish.

On the Road to Recap: | Above the Crowd | By Bill Gurley

Long, but worth reading the whole thing. As in previous startup bubbles, failure to get your burn rate under control will doom your company, no matter how rich you are on paper. 

10:08 pm - Wed, Mar 30, 2016
1 note
What honors those we look at, those whose stories we try to tell, is work that acknowledges their complex sense of their own reality.
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